
The Sandusky Register from Sandusky, Ohio (2024)

Editorial Consensus Seemingly Is Against Adams; Recall Benson By LYLE C. WILSON By United Press International WASH re are numbers and a heavy weight of argument in support of the belief that Presidential Assistant Sherman Adams must go. The editorial consensus seems to be against him. Congressional Republicans who must confront the voters this year are urging in growing numbers that Adams quit. The complaint of Republican candidates that Adams would be a defeating handicap in this year's general election must lay a heavy burden on a New England politicians' conscience.

Whether Adams goes or stays, however, will be by decision of President Eisenhower and, on the record of precedent, it is fairly obvious that at least one more strike must be called on Adams before his boss waives on hjm. Times Change New Frigidaire Automatic WASHER The Savingest washer ever built MODEL WD-57 Formerly 289.95 199 .95 i AH Porcelain Lifetime Lid, Tub and Water Container Flootover Rinse I Wash Water Temperature Control Completely Automatic Lid Safety Switch Econo-Dial for Normal or Small Loads Agriculture Secretary Ezra Taft Benson has been under hotter any to which Adams has been subjected The circ*mstances have been wholly different, but the demand for Benson's ouster was louder, came from more Republicans and, moreover, was angrier than the present demand that Adams go. Times change, as, for example at last week's Republican schoo' of politics convened by the national committee for the instruc firm of party chairmen from al the states. Benson was present at the co*cktail party at which the chair men were to meet the Cabinet and members of the White House staff. Chairmen crowded around to meet him.

When a local politi co suggested to one of the visi Republican chairman of a dairy he be photographed with Benson, the pair moved into the crowd around Benson, accompanied by one the photographers there for such purposes. As the three approached the group around Benson another the chairmen stopped them wit! this remark: "If you want your picture with the secretary you will have to get in line." As recently as a year ago probably would have been diffi cult to persuade most of those chairmen even to be seen talking with Benson, and impossible to obtain a posed picture. A Republican veteran of campaign wars witnessed the picture incident and remarked "That Benson will wind up be ing the best politician of the i bunch." I This friendly judgment was based very largely on the fact hat Benson was one of only Cabinet members who showed up for thi party at which the cabinet was to meet the chairmen. The other was Secretary of Interior Fred A. Seaton, a pretty good politician, himself.

Most of the cabinet attended the much swankier reception for Philippines President Garcia. Benson frankly informed the Philippines Embassy that it was most important for him to be with the state chairmen. He could greet President Garcia only briefly. That anecdote will circulate widely at the grass roots and it will boost Benson's stock. Adams' problem is quite different.

An unexplored, area of Adams case is how desperately Eisenhower actually needs i m. The President's own explanation iwas that Adams had a part, or small, in every official residential act and function. That almost makes the two men interdependent. This interdependence could be so great, of course, that if Adams were forced out, Eisenhower's will to remain in office would be broken. And Ike, too, might step down.

Dad Of Expelled Student Arrested AMERICA AT what is believed the first undertaking of its kind, 16 Umted Nations correspondents from 11 foreign four from the Soviet Tass Olean, N.Y., recently for "Operation Crackerbarrel." It was sponsored by the local Rotary Club to give writers a grassroots look at a typical small (population 25,000) American community. One of the sights for the visitors was the do-it-yourself home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Largent. Above, George P.

Saviofidcs, left, from Egypt, expresses his admiration to the schoolteacher and his wife, who built their ranch-style home by themselves over a period of five years, starting out with $80. Recover Body Of Drowning Victim LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (UPt) Robert Brown. 50-year-old father of Minniejean Brown who was expelled from Central High School following racial incidents, was arrested today on an open charge in connection with the fatal shooting of another Negro. Police Lt.

0. A. Allen said Elmer Isaac, 68, the manager of private Negro club, was shot three times near the entrance of the near the downtown district. Allen quoted Brown as spying that friends had told him Isaac had threatened to shoot him and when he saw Isaac make move at his hip pocket he shot him. Brown was to be questioned today by Pulaski County prosecuting attorney .1.

Frank Minniejean Brown was expelled after pushing incidents at the school and for dumping soup over a fellow student's hrncl. She enrolled in a private school in New York and only recently returned here. COLUMBUS (UPI) Firemen Sunday recovered the body of Charles Davis, 19, from the Scioto River, ending intensive dragging operations near the Grewilnwn Dmvt since the youth drowned last Wednesday, Firemen gave up the search for the body Friday night when heavy rains hampered their scorch. The youth's relatives began their own dragging operations, but were ordered away by police. Davis drowned while fishing.

Balance Of Sexes May Births lor Sandusky and Erle- co Hnrinp the month of May as reported to the health department, CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA men emigrating to Australia now have a better chance of wooing nnd winning an Australian wife, Immigration Minister Alex Downer said Saturday. Downer said the balance of sexes is bettor now and Australian girls soem more willing to cept Europeans as husbands than they were in the early days of the mnss migration program. Sanction Match At Norwalk Set For Next Sunday All dogs and owners that took the recent Sandusky Kennel Club obedience training course and previous classes are eligible to enter the obedience classes of the Sanction Match to be held next Sunday at the Huron-co fairgrounds, Norwalk. Dogs need not have a graduation diploma to compete in the Norwnlk event, David Hill and his German shepherd scored an almost perfect 19!) points in the graduation exercises held last week at the Sandusky National Guard Armory. A perfect score Is 200 points.

David Canalos and his Weimar aner placed second with lOfiVj points and third went to Mrs. Beverly Bevcr and her French poodle with points. The spring class conducted by the Kennel Club was small with 13 of the 16 taking the final exams. Nine of the IS competing dogs had scores of 170 or more points. A dog must hnvc SANDUSKY RIGISTf ft 9 Monday, June 23, ma points that include! the pulnt a total of 170 at least one-half the poifl quired for each exercise, in ordef to qualify in a dog show for i'! "leg" on the companion dog gree.

In the graduation the dog and trainer need the coveted 170 points, but do not need the one-half in each of the ercises. Mrs. Chester Shambaugh, Mans- Mr field, was judge for the tion exercises. She was a former pupil of Harry, Keel, trainer for the class. fl William Seward, who secretary of state under President 17 Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, and his counterpart for the Confederacy, Robert Toombs, WVTQ both alumni of Union CoU lege, Schenectady, Y.

1 ,1 man, 606 Harrison-st; Robert Collins, 1204 Buchannn-st. William Henry Busch, 1414 W. Monroe-st; Leo John Sartor, 221 Shelby-st; Cooley. Fred Ingles, 223 Schiller-av; Thomas Eugene Walters, 306'a Pearl-st; Leonard Cllf- Harold Allen Ohio Edison Company SANDUSKY Bellevue Pt. Clinton Lucky' Man ALBACETE, SPAIN (UPI) Amadeo Alejandro Sanchez, 24, agreed Saturday that he is indeed a lucky man.

Two weeks ago San chez won $600,000 in the national lottery which made him a rich man capable of buying a shiny new Cadillac. Then his chauffeur- driven car collided with a truck loaded with codfish. The Cadillac was demolished, the chauffeur hospitalized, but Sanchez walked away without a scratch. are as follow Mr. and Bruno Thomas Llni, 608 Carroll- av; Trell Arlen Adams, Rye Beach: Joseph Anthony Fantozzl.

1710 Sandusky-st; Kenneth Leonard Kromer, Bogart-rd; Chester M. Roesch, 201 Fulton-st; Edmund George Monak. Marblehesd; Edgar M. Williamson, Mason-rd; Rodney Ray Hoover, Huron. Ernest Elmo Dehart, S.

Colum- bus-av; Donald Frederick Elder, Marblehead; Henry Harold Holzaepfel, 406 48th-st; Eugene Barnard, Edgewater-dr; Norman Edward Mehllng, 3514 S. Hayes-av; James Robert Potter, Rye Beach; George Joseph Krumlauf, Huron; Leonard Lynden Keegan, Clyde: Richard Lloyd Hudson, Coshocton; David Charles Wikel, 130 Lake- land-dr; Henry Mercer, Fremont: i Robert William Braswell, Castalia; Ward Pou, 2611Tremper-av. Leroy Edwin Riedy, Huron; Ronald Jack McGraln, 607 E. Monroe-st: David Franklin Johnson, 1820 Buchannn-st; Walter Joseph Slfwa, 623 Winriebago-av; John Robert Mellen, Milan; Harold William Zorn, Scheid-rd; Myron Grant Thompson, Route 1,) Greensprings; Arthur John Heroid, 917 W. Os- borne-st; Joseph Robert Seaman.

230 E. Jefferson-st; Carl Edward Harkness. Vickery; Warren Kenneth Irons, Fremont; James Solomon Hand, 705 Parkland-dr; Robert George DeRue, 2331 Cotum bus-av. Wayne Theodore Sage, Norwalk; Lyle Edward Hirt, Vickery; Donald Eugene Whittaker, 114 46th- st; Thomas Leon Amicarelll, Rye Beach; Ray Howard Robison, 217 Dlxie-av; George Harold Wray, Port Clinton; QuentIn Curtis Richardson, Huron; Ronald Robert Camp, 914 Vi Vine-st; James Edward Boos, Huron: Charles Eugene Donaldson. 622 Wayne-st; Johnnie William Cross.

3507 Beatty-av; Richard Lee McFarland. 1405 Clln- ton-st; Harry Glenn Clayton, Monroeville; Ernest Tressel Leber, Clyde. James, Richard Goodsite, 1816 Buchanafi-st; J. Duthen Morgan Wilson, 3616 Milan-rd; Ralph Joseph Ott, Norwalk; Frank Hugh Homer, Donald Lyle Long. Vickery; Thomas Lloyd Swint, 3322 Hayes-av; Berkeley Roger Vassar, Venice; Ronald Eugene Bunt, Castalia; Arlester Johnson, 1712 S.

McDonough-st; Kenneth Francis Pahl, 329 Franklin-st; Milton Michael Barnack, 2031 Park- view-dr; Willard Oakley Hamilton, Route 1 James Fredprick Hemraer, Route 2, Sandusky; Kenneth Paul Majoy, Huron. Joseph Andrew Fanduzz, Huron; Gaston Louis VanCauwenbergh, 1807 Pierce-st: Anthony Joseph Giovagnoli, 1263 E. Perkins-av; James Cleaver Murphy, 1501 Far- well-st; John William French, Sr. 424 Scott-st; Richard Allan Smith Berlin Heights; Robert Stuart Fisher, 610 Columbus-av; Dale Paul Roth, 419 Dewey-st; Claven Spell man Randleman, 1209 Johnson-st; George Johnson, 218 Doerzbach- av; Daniel Harvey Smith, Bellevue Paul Jude LaPrad. 201 E.

Bogart-rd; Russell John Wittmer Monroeville; Lynell Dixon, 1201 E. Parish-st; Thomas Gene Scott, 1832 Buchanan-st; Robert John Walland, 811 Vine-st; James Aldon Gibson, Bogart-rd; William Wendell Miller, Monroeville; James Hugo Seeholzer, Kelleys Island: Selby William Marty, 221 Pearl-st; Warren El vert Mangus, Huron: Jack Arthur Kauf- Ton bragg. Akron; Schonhardt, Scheld-rd; Clovlo Rny Ktnnlson, 1522 Harrlson-sl; Joseph Richard McCoy, Monroeville; Eugene Carl Ruff, Vickery; Gcorgi- Henry Fornoff III, Huron; Robert Dale Gouker. Castalia; Melvin Milan Mllkovich, 310B Merriweather- dr; Alphonse John Cote, Huron, (twin sons). Wayne Edward Baaske, 1901 Hayes-av: Robert George Drake, Milan; Thomas William Dennis.

332 Tiffln-av; Edward Joseph FaeUnini, 714 Tyler-st; Paul Myron Borsick, 620 Reese-st; William Howard Lawrence: 328 McDon- ough-st; Virgil Becchler, 623 E. Jefferson-st; Jolm Francis Braeunig, 114 Schlller-aV; Ronald James Kaman. 1326 Elbert L. Bowman, 235 Dlxle-av; Frank Andrew Yeager, 417 W. Os- bornc-st.

Willard George Biglln, Castnlln (twins, son and daughter); Dalton Myers. 8.02 Perry-st; Leroy Sylvan Meyers, 3311 Bardshar-rd; John D. Chime, 2031 Forcst-dr; John Raymond Frisch, Norwnlk; Richard Harry Wilt, Castalia; Marcus Eugene Qulllcn, Boyer's Traller-ct; Richard Floyd Wightmnn, 529 Dccatur-st: Robert Dean Lash, 9 Anderson-dr; Angelo Paul Mularoni. 436 McKelvey-st; Harvey I Ray Whiting, Huron; Donald Lec Conley, Vickery. Robert Wilson Rosswurm, Route 2, Sandusky; Donald Edward Stidham, 519 Huron-av; Malte Karl- Heinz Wassermann, 1027 Franklln- st; Ralph James Stamm, Taylor-rd; John Molter Klenk, 604 E.

Jefferson-st; Pearl Clifford Skiver, Milan; John D. Phillips, 820 Wood- lawn-av; William Henry Moore, 1103 W. Water-st; Michael Vuko vich, 1324 Hayes-av. Charles Gordon Galloway, 2137 Fourth-st; Dale Elsworth Knowlton Grand Forest Beach; Howard Alvin Opper. Bellevue; Thomas Charles Gallagher.

1408 W. Monroc-st James Donald West, Huron; Ralph Raymond Alderman, 1704 Buchnrv an-st; Prince Albert Warren, 1204 Butler-st; Charles Henry Clayton, 519 Finch-st; Mitchell Dyer, 817 Perry-st; Anthony Serafino Guerra. 1419'Milan-rd; John George Wedc- man, 901 Perry-st; Lowell James Steible, 3704 Venlce-rd. George Ewing Mingus, Bogart- rd; Herman Henry Pohlman, W. Monroe-st; Alan Lancelot Goodfellow, Huron; Virgil Filipucci, 1530 Hayes-av; Fred Philip Kochen- doerfer 1031 LaSalle-st; Henry Louis Hess, 319 Center-st; Gustav Gerhart Miller II, McDonough st; Ralph Albert Hogrefe, 1325 Tif- fin-av; Paul Ernest Blazer, 602 Harrison-st; Arlis Byral Gilliam, 1322 Butler-st; Chester Velt Keller, 4420 S.

Campbell-st; Richard Allen Swazcy, Kelleys Island; Edward Irvin Soltesz, Huron; George John son, 218 Doerzbach-av. VOTES AGAINST SLICE WASHINGTON (UPI) Sen. Frank J. Lnusche (D-Ohio) was one of 22 Ohio Democrats who voted against the Potter Amendment to reduce the excise tax on automobiles a'nd auto parts which the Senate defeated Friday 41-32. 24S ELECTRIC APPLIANCE SERVICE WASHERS DRYtftS, ITC.

MARKET ST. MA Scrvlnq Sandiufcy A Vicinity 1V3f PIANO TUNING and REPAIRING Evening Call MA 5-0111 J. Kricgler Days Meqcjltfs MA 6-5224 Order Your GARAGE NOW! NO MONEY DOWN Up To 3 Years To Pay 16x20 PIONEER GABLE MODEL Gives you extra storage space tool Five Drown In Lake St. Clair MOUNT CLEMENS. MICH.

(UPI) Macomb-co sheriff's of- 1 ficers have reported five persons three last Friday night in Lake St. Clair. Four of the bodies have been recovered from the choppy waters and a search is being conducted for the missing member of the party. Sheriff's deputies said the edy occurred in an area northeasj of Gaukler Point about three miles out on the lake. Drowning victims were listed as Joseph Pietrowski and his two sons, Thomas, 15, and Ralph, 12, of Detroit, and Air Force Sgt.

Milton Kroll, about 36, and his son, Michael, age 10. Deputy Raymond Burssens said the three boys were found tied together and kept afloat by life- iackets. They were dead when found floating in the lake by a passing fisherman. body was also recovered, but Kroll is missing and presumed drowned. Other Styles Available At Equally Low Prices ALL K-D QUALITY GARAGES INCLUDE: Concrete floor, curbs, anchor bolts, approach apron.

Clear lap-type siding. 4 Section overhead door, window, flower box and shutters, 210 lb. asphalt shingle roof. Sales tax. 517 CENTRAL AVE.

MA 5-U87 Phone MA 5-1187 or Stop in at Our Office for Additional Information Dr. Scholl's not only five fast nerve- eaaa naw or tight alao remove eoroa, callouaea one of the quickest ways known to medical science. Get a box today. At Drug, Shoe, Dept. and Stores.


22 TO 24 LB. AVG. Watermelons LARGE, SWEET WD 27 SIZE ea ch 79 Cantaloupe for HOTHOUSE Green Peppers 4 29 Tomatoes MEDIUM SIZE lb 89c 39c SLICED OR PIECE WISCONSIN Swiss Cheese lb. 49 Cheese Food Colby Cheese Sliced Cheese CHED-O-BIT, AMERICAN MILD WISCONSIN MEL-O-BIT PROCESSED 2 -lb. 2 69c 49c pkgs.

lb. LIBBY'S FROZEN Orange 6 6 OZ. CANS Strawberries FROZEN Lemonade CAL-GROVE FROZEN Sweet Peas FROZEN Grape Juice FROZEN SURE GOOD SOLID PRINT Margarine I-lb. Bricks 6 RETURNS TO FORCE TOLEDO (UPI) Patrolman; James Kozak, one of 12 police- 1 men disciplined for alleged as- sociation with a 17-year-old Friday will be restored to the force after he serves a 90-day sus- 1 oension. Corn, Callous Bunion Pain? HERE'S FAST NERVE-DEEP RELIEF! JUICE SALE Your Choice! Orange Juice Grapefruit Juice Blended Juice Grape Juice Hi-C Orange Drink PINEAPPLE monte GRAPEFRUIT 46 Or.

Can 46 Oz. Can 46 Oz. Can 24 Oz. Bottle 46 Oz. Can 46 Oz.

Can for JANE PARKER Sugared, Plain or Cinnamon D0NUTS-19 JANE PARKER LEMON OR Pineapple Pie. ea. Mb. loaf JANE PARKER Cracked Wheat Bread JULY ISSUE Woman 's Day PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU TUESDAY, JUNE 24 39c ea. 1 (M ATLANTIC 4pACiFic co A DEPENDABLE FOOD RETAILERS SINCE 1859 1.

The Sandusky Register from Sandusky, Ohio (2024)


What is the race population in Sandusky Ohio? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Sandusky, OH are White (Non-Hispanic) (63.4%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (22.5%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (5.58%), White (Hispanic) (2.26%), and Two+ (Hispanic) (1.77%).

Where can I buy the Sandusky register? ›

For home delivery or digital version only go to sanduskyregister.com/live-content/subscribe/or call 419-625-5500.

Why is Sandusky Ohio famous? ›

Located along the Sandusky Bay shoreline, Sandusky has been named the Best Coastal Small Town in America! This growing destination is home to world class amusem*nt park, Cedar Point, and is known as Ohio's Water Park Capital due to the popularity of year-round indoor water park resorts.

Who owns the Sandusky Register newspaper? ›

On Thursday, Ogden Newspapers — a chain owned by another family, the Nuttings — will take over the Register and Norwalk Reflector and continue the papers' tradition of providing local news coverage. The sale was announced July 17.

Is Sandusky a city or town? ›

Sandusky (/sænˈdʌski/ san-DUSS-kee) is a city in and the county seat of Erie County, Ohio, United States.

What city in Ohio has the most blacks? ›

The city of Cleveland has a Black population of 47.4%, the largest of any major city in the state, according to the survey. This does not include people who identify as multi-race, including those who are Black in combination with another race.

What is the largest ethnicity in Ohio? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Ohio are White (Non-Hispanic) (77.2%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (12.2%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.59%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.39%), and White (Hispanic) (1.59%).

How much is a marriage license in Sandusky County? ›

The cost of the marriage license is $57.00, if you pay by cash or check. If you pay by credit card there is a $3.00 processing fee added to the cost of the license totaling $60.00. Payment is due upon receipt of the license and must be paid in person.

How much is a recording fee in Sandusky County Ohio? ›

The fee to record and index a deed, mortgage, affidavit, agreement, annexation, easem*nt, certificate of transfer, land contract, lease, mechanic's lien, partnership, trust document, or power of attorney is $34 for the first two pages. Each page thereafter is $8.

How do I email Sandusky register? ›

Please email news@sanduskyregister or call our news department at 419-502-2160. How do I submit an obituary, wedding or engagement announcement? You can share an announcement by coming by our office at 314 West Market Street, Sandusky OH 44870.

What is the poverty rate in Sandusky Ohio? ›

Median Income

In 2022, the median household income of Sandusky households was $47,375. Sandusky households made slightly more than Amanda households ($47,313) and Sarahsville households ($47,188) . However, 16.4% of Sandusky families live in poverty.

What does the word Sandusky mean? ›

The present name (from a Wyandot [Wendat] Indian word meaning “cold water” or “pure water”) was adopted in 1818. The first railroad arrived in 1835. In the 1850s Sandusky was a terminus of the Underground Railroad, an escape route for slaves.

How deep is the Sandusky Bay in Ohio? ›

Sandusky Bay is unique within the western Lake Erie basin because it is somewhat isolated from the rest of the lake and very shallow (~12 feet deep). This shallowness leads to water mixing driven by currents and the wind.

What congressional district is Sandusky Ohio in? ›

About the Ninth Congressional District

The Ninth Congressional District encompasses most of Northwestern Ohio, and much of the southern border of Lake Erie. The district is an amalgam of Northwest Ohio with communities in Defiance, Erie, Fulton, Ottawa, Lucas, Sandusky, Williams, and Wood counties.

What towns are in Sandusky County? ›

What station is country in Sandusky Ohio? ›

K96 Country – WKFM 96.1.

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.