How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (2024)

Your product page is one of the most important pages on your website. So it’s only natural that you’d want to create a great product page.

Good product pages help convert browsers into buyers. Also, they help give your customers the information they need to make an informed purchase.

There are many ways to build ecommerce product pages. In this article, we’ll share some best practices for product page design that you can use to improve your own pages .

You’ll also see examples of different product pages so you can better understand what works well and what doesn’t.

Let's jump in.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (1)

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How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (2)
How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (3)
How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (4)

Product Page Design: 8 Tips for Ecommerce Entrepreneurs

Your product pages can make or break your ecommerce business. So it’s crucial to design them well. Below are all the elements you need to include in your product pages design to make them more inviting for online shoppers.

The Perfect Product Description

According to Nielsen Norman Group, the most effective product descriptions are scannable, concise, and objective. This type of content was shown to improve usability by 124%.

To create scannable content, you should include short bullet points in your product descriptions for easy reading. Concise content is 1-4 sentences describing the product. Objective content describes the product honestly rather than exaggerating benefits.

In the example below, there’s too much unnecessary information. Also, as colors and sizes run out of inventory, you’d have to keep manually changing the product descriptions for all products accordingly.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (5)

In the next example, there are three sentences. The first sentence describes the product in a neutral way using some of the bullet points supplied by the dropshipper. Feminine replaced the ‘Gender: Women’ point. Next, two sentences were written to describe outfit pairings. This allows the potential customer to envision an outfit for the blouse they’re looking at.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (6)

Like the second example, you can choose to remove several bullet points if they seem redundant. Also, if you want to create a consistent brand you might choose to organize all product page bullet points in the same way. In fashion, you might always have the fabric first and so forth.

The Perfect Product Images

The best product pages feature high quality images showcasing the products in all their glory. You should never compromise on image quality as it can have a negative impact on your sales. If a picture is low quality or doesn’t represent the product well, consumers aren’t going to move forward with the purchase.

People want a clear idea of what the product might look like in real life. Learning product photography can help you capture images that shoppers envision their appearance.

You should also note that some product sourcing platforms allow you to import product images. For example, you can import item images from Spocket to use on your product pages. Once imported, make sure to remove logos from product images in PhotoShop. If your product was shot on a grey background, remove the background to make it white. Try to create a consistent look for the products on your website.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (7)

Next, consider including 360-degree images in your product page designs to enhance the visitor experience. Customers enjoy being able to see all angles of a product. For example, knowing what the front and back of a top looks like helps customers see what they’re buying.

It’s also great to allow customers to add their own product images in the review section. It allows everyone to see what they’ll get without the glitz and glam of professional photography.

Also, if you sell fashion items such as dresses or shirts, don’t forget to import a size chart image. This allows customers to see measurements and sizes to help them decide on which is the best fit. If you’re sourcing from Asia and selling in the US, use our guide to convert Asian sizes to US sizes.

In addition, having a product image zoom feature allows customers to get a better view of your product image. It allows your customers to look at a product’s fine details.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (8)

Lastly, having a product video can increase conversion rates. According to Kissmetrics, site visitors are 64-85% more likely to buy after watching a video on a website.

A Sense of Urgency

According to Conversion XL, you can increase sales by as much as 332% by creating scarcity and a sense of urgency. You can also increase your conversion rate by doing this.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (9)

Urgency helps turn the casual browser into a buyer, fast. When your customers browse your store, a great product will seduce the browser. However, having a sale countdown timer can help encourage the browser to buy right now.

Using countdown timer apps like Hurrifycan help create a sense of urgency. You can write your own text or choose from a list of examples. Having text that indicates limited quantities can help create scarcity which may help drive sales. However, you can choose to test various different texts to see which increases conversions the most.

Intuitive Layout

Your customer should be able to know how to use your website even if they don’t understand the language. There’s a general product page layout that your online store should integrate. Don’t use funky, impractical layouts as it can confuse customers or frustrate them. Keep it simple.

Most of the time, the product image is on the left. The product copy is on the right with the Add to Cart button close by and prominent. Make sure your ‘Add to Cart’ button can be clearly seen.

When choosing a theme for your store, you should make sure it looks similar to other popular websites in your niche. While many will say ‘stand out from the competition,’ this is generally bad advice when it comes to product page layouts.

The free Minimal Theme on the Shopify Theme Store is a good example of a product page layout that’s not only familiar to most customers, but also includes other essentials of product page design. Shopify also has many free themes with intuitive layouts that can help enhance the look of your product pages.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (10)

Social Sharing Buttons

Social sharing buttons are great for promoting your product page, especially when you have a popular product. Unfortunately, they can also have a negative effect on your conversions. Doing A/B testing on your store will help you determine whether or not social sharing will work for you.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (11)

According to VWO, an ecommerce business split tested social sharing buttons and found an 11.9% increase in call-to-action click throughs when removed. They outlined that the social sharing buttons likely don’t convert well when you have no shares on them.

In a test by Kuno Creative, when social sharing had over 500 conversions they had a conversion rate of 9% instead of 2%.

Thus, if you’re a new store, it might be a good idea to remove social sharing buttons. Consider adding them back to your store once you’ve built an audience and send large amounts of traffic to product pages. You can also test to see if having the icons without specific numbers mentioned works well for your store.

Shipping Information

Mentioning or having an icon indicating ‘free shipping on orders over $75’ or ‘free shipping within the US’ helps customers get a snapshot of shipping information.

By having this succinct information on the product page, you prevent the customer from moving off the page to read your shipping information, as the essential point is clarified on the page itself.

Highlighting the requirements of free shipping allows your customer to add more products to their cart if they choose to.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (12)

Customer Reviews

Having customer reviews on your product page is essential. If you’re driving traffic to a product page, the reviews on your store can give browsers the extra push towards closing that sale without you doing much work.

According to eMarketer, customer reviews are 12x more trusted than manufacturer descriptions. Thus, having customer reviews can always help boost your sales and convert the customer if they’re generally positive.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (13)

You can use an app like Product Reviews Addon to automatically contact customers after their purchase for reviews. This will allow you to grow your reviews quickly and with minimal work.

Recommended Products

While you might want to a/b test whether this will help with conversions, having recommended products encourage customers to stay on your site a little longer.

Oftentimes, you’ll have models wearing more than just the top you’re selling. If you sell the matching skirt or the earrings the model is wearing, having it in your recommended products will help customers complete their look.

When it comes to recommended products, avoid having products that look too identical. This can cause a customer to become confused and may result in fewer sales. This is because more choices requires more thinking.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (14)

For example, you can still cross-sell an item with a similar type of product such as a blouse. However, the blouses need to look different enough from one another to help encourage the sale. Recommending a skirt as a cross-sell that complements that specific blouse can also work really well. It also simplifies the decision as you’re creating an outfit for your customer.

How to Build a Product Page with Shopify

You don’t need to know code to create product pages for your website. With Shopify, you can build pages that have a balance of both good aesthetics and functionality. To customize product pages in Shopify, take the following the steps:

  1. Go to your Shopify admin.
  2. Choose ‘Online Store’ > ‘Themes’
  3. Click ‘Customize’ and then wait for Shopify to take you to Theme editing.
  4. Pick ‘Product Pages’ from the drop-down menu.
  5. Start customizing your product page layout.

Best Product Page Examples + What Makes Them Great


How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (15)

Why we love it: This product page is very intuitive and clean. The product images are high res and there are different angles so a customer can make an informed decision. It also showcases which sizes they have right off the bat in their ‘Size’ section. The ‘Add to Bag’ is a vibrant blue which pops well against their crisp white background.They showcase free shipping and free returns icons directly on their product page for easy access. Their product description is short and to the point with 3 bullet points and one sentence describing the product. It also features a recommended products section with a mix of products that look quite different from the one showcased to prevent customer confusion. Lastly, there’s a reviews section with customer feedback.

Kate Spade

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (16)

Why we love it: There are several product images showing different angles. There are also images showing a person using the product. The ‘Add to Bag’ pops against the white background and suits the company branding. Shipping and return information is listed on the product page. The social sharing buttons don’t mention how many people have used it which is great if they have low shares. The product description is succinct and there are many bullet points used for easy reading. They also have a selection of recommended products, though a few seem too similar and may cause confusion.


How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (17) How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (18)

Why we love it: The product image pops against a plain white background. The image is unique and has an uncommon style which makes it attention grabbing. The black ‘Add to Bag’ pops against the crisp white background. The social sharing buttons are visible but not the focus, they also don’t detail any specific numbers. The copy is relatively short with bullet points available. There are also reviews available on the page. The recommended images would’ve worked best if there weren’t as many with the similar style photography. However, the one on the far right pops well against the similar styles of the other products.

Disney Store

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (19)

Why we love it: The Disney Store’s product page is clean. It features shipping information in the header. There are different angles shown for the product. There’s a review section. The product copy is short, it also features bullet points below the product image. The ‘Add to Bag’ contrasts against the white background while staying consistent with the product branding. However, a different color may convert better. Delivery information is also available within the product page. The similar products features a similar style of products but with different characters which would pop to someone familiar with the Disney brand.


How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (20)

Why we love it: The product page features a very large zoom feature that allows customers to see the fine details of the product image. There are also several pictures showcasing different angles. The recommended products below feature different styles and colors to avoid confusing the customer with their choice. A size chart is available on the product page. Shipping information is also made clear. The product description is short and features two bullet points. The social sharing icons are small, those not distracting the customer. They also don’t detail how many shares there are. The ‘Add to Bag’ button is small but it’s all black color contrasts well against the white background.

Ready to Make High-Converting Product Pages?

Effective product pages instantly convey the value of your items. They tell potential customers what the product feels like, which gives them confidence to move ahead with the purchase.

So if you haven’t given much attention to your product page designs, now is the time to do so. With some changes, you can significantly improve the conversions they bring. Follow the advice in this article to ensure your product pages answer people’s questions and get them ready to check out.

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (21)

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How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (22)
How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (23)
How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (24)

Summary: Product Page Design Best Practices for 2021

  1. Include an epic product description
  2. Post the perfect product images
  3. Add a sense of urgency
  4. Ensure the layout is intuitive
  5. Test social sharing buttons
  6. Include shipping information
  7. Feature customer reviews
  8. Include recommended products

Want to Learn More?

  • How to Write Epic Product Descriptions That Sell
  • How to Get Ecommerce Product Reviews
  • 15 Product Photography Tips That’ll Make You More Money
  • Ecommerce Roadmap: How to Start Ecommerce Business That Will Succeed

Is there anything else you’d like to know more about and wish was included in this article? Let us know in the comments below!

How to Create a Product Page in 2022: 8 Best Practices (2024)


What are the six starting points for a good product page? ›

6 Tips for Building Great Product Pages
  • Turn Product Pages Into Great Content. ...
  • Design Your Pages So They Focus on Conversions. ...
  • Create Unique Content and Descriptions. ...
  • Optimize Your URL Structure. ...
  • Add Rich Media, Like Videos. ...
  • Take a Look at Zappos as an Example.
Oct 14, 2011

What do you think are the 5 most important things a product page must have to be the best product page? ›

Here are the 7 product page requirements:
  • Feature image.
  • Gallery or product photos.
  • Product overview, including title, price, features, CTA and customization options.
  • Product description.
  • Social proof, including review and ratings.
  • Similar product suggestions (upsell and cross sell).

What should a product page contain? ›

A product detail page, also known as a PDP, is a web page on an eCommerce website that provides information on a specific product. This information includes size, color, price, shipping information, reviews, and other relevant information customers want to know before purchasing.

What makes a successful product page? ›

Effective product pages immediately convey the value proposition of a featured product. They show potential customers what a product looks like, tell them what it feels like, and make them believe it's something they absolutely need to own.

How do you design a single product page? ›

How to create a Single Product Template
  1. Under Templates > Theme Builder > Single Product > Add New, from the dropdown choose Single Product, give it a name, and click Create Template.
  2. Choose a Single Product Block and Insert. ...
  3. After you've finished designing, click Publish.
  4. Choose a Condition.

What are the 10 product design guidelines? ›

Ten rules of good Product Design
  • Three Click Rule. — Users are impatient. ...
  • The Rule of Thirds. Our brains are programmed to look for patterns and is attracted to symmetry. ...
  • Miller's Law. ...
  • Simplicity First. ...
  • Five Second Test. ...
  • Hick's Law. ...
  • Focus on the Pareto Principle. ...
  • Implement Mental Models.

What are the 7 marketing tips in launching new products? ›

Marketing Tips for Launching a New Product
  • Study your competition. ...
  • Target the ideal customer. ...
  • Create a unique value proposition. ...
  • Define your marketing strategy and tactics. ...
  • Test your concept and marketing approach. ...
  • Roll out your campaign. ...
  • Know your product's lifecycle.
Feb 21, 2005

What are 10 elements of a good Web page? ›

The Top 10 Most Important Elements of A Website Design
  • 1 Navigation. The website design should be easy to navigate and the menu items should easily accessible from any page. ...
  • 2 Visual Design. ...
  • 3 Content. ...
  • 4 Web Friendly. ...
  • 5 Interaction. ...
  • 6 Information Accessibility. ...
  • 7 Intuitiveness. ...
  • 8 Branding.

What is the goal of a product page? ›

The core purpose of a product page is to help a user make a decision about buying the product or skipping it. Since this page is what triggers the decision of the user, it must have a very good call-to-action and detailed information.

How long should a product page be? ›

One thing people always ask about is the ideal length for a product description. How long should a product description be? A product description should be between 305-400 words, or however long is necessary to address the main features of the product and a brief overview of its benefits to the consumer.

What should every product have? ›

Good products must have a solid value proposition and solve a real problem, be understandable by users, perform their task as easily and efficiently as possible, and become better and harder to part with the more they are used.

What are 3 key factors that you need to consider to make your product appealing? ›

Nowadays, all of these methods are considered essential tools for improving business attractiveness to prospective customers.
Here are a few fundamental aspects to consider when enhancing your business's market appeal:
  • Who's in your market? ...
  • What makes your business stimulating? ...
  • Do you know your place in the market?
Apr 29, 2016

What is product page example? ›

A product page is a page on a company website that showcases the product inventory a customer is able to buy. It's a page that helps customers decide what they want to buy according to different specifications like price, features, reviews, and product comparison.

What are the most important elements of a well converting product page *? ›

11 Elements of High-Converting Product Pages
  • Write motivational headlines. ...
  • Include high-quality product photos. ...
  • Use eye-catching 'Add to Cart' buttons. ...
  • Encourage customer reviews. ...
  • Feature detailed product specs. ...
  • Include videos. ...
  • Answer customer questions. ...
  • Optimize text for clarity.
Aug 4, 2020

What are 6 keys of product success? ›

6 Keys to a Successful Product Launch
  • Make Sure You Have a Product Fit. The first steps of preparing for a successful product launch begin at the genesis of product development. ...
  • Know Your Metrics. ...
  • Conduct User Research & Market Evaluations. ...
  • Develop Your Messaging. ...
  • Build an Early Customer Base. ...
  • Collect & Implement Feedback.

What are the 3 qualities of a good product? ›

What makes a product of high quality?
  • Reliability.
  • Safety.
  • Quality of design.
  • Proper Storage.
  • Quality Conformance.
  • Efficient marketing.
  • Great positioning.
Dec 31, 2021

What makes a product amazing? ›

Here are the key characteristics from our Product experts: Delivers great value – the product solves a real user's [or market's] problem. Price per value – users are willing to pay for the value they receive from the product. Improves life – the product provides meaning and makes the user's life better.

How do you layout a product? ›

Product page design best practices
  1. Use the right product page design software. ...
  2. Use a template-based layout approach. ...
  3. Design with the rest of the site in mind. ...
  4. Selectively prioritize information. ...
  5. Tell a story with images. ...
  6. Don't underestimate user-generated content. ...
  7. Test, analyze, and iterate.

How do you create a product layout? ›

To design a successful production layout, he will follow the following steps:
  1. Understand the order.
  2. Understand the output.
  3. Understand the timing.
  4. Determine the workstations.

What is a simple product design? ›

A simple design takes away unnecessary functions, including text, CTA's, images etc. The user should still achieve their goals but not be bombarded by visual and written content. The goal of design is to make it straightforward and engaging without making it dull.

What are the eight 8 common principles of design? ›

The elements, or principles, of visual design include Contrast, Balance, Emphasis, Movement, White Space, Proportion, Hierarchy, Repetition, Rhythm, Pattern, Unity, and Variety. These principles of design work together to create something that is aesthetically pleasing and optimizes the user experience.

What are the 9 steps in designing a product? ›

  • 1 - CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT. A new product or technology is intended to provide a better solution to a problem. ...
  • 2 - ANALYSIS. ...
  • 3 - DESIGN. ...
  • 4 - PROTOTYPING. ...
  • 5 - TESTING. ...
Jan 21, 2021

What are the 5 product strategies in marketing? ›

The 5 areas you need to make decisions about are: PRODUCT, PRICE, PROMOTION, PLACE AND PEOPLE. Although the 5 Ps are somewhat controllable, they are always subject to your internal and external marketing environments. Read on to find out more about each of the Ps.

What are the 8 parts of a webpage? ›

8 basic parts of a website
  • Navigation bar. The navigation bar, also known as the menu bar, lists the different pages of the website at the top of the page. ...
  • Slider. The slider operates like a slideshow, allowing certain images to slide and appear from side to side. ...
  • Featured image. ...
  • Header. ...
  • Content. ...
  • Footer. ...
  • Blog. ...
  • Landing page.
Feb 3, 2023

What are the 7 C's design elements? ›

The 7C's of Website Design stand for Creativity, Consistency, Clarity, Content, Continuity, Compatibility and Customisation.

What are 3 things every website should have? ›

5 Things Every Website Should Include
  • Clear description of who you are.
  • Contact page.
  • Small chunks of information.
  • Easy mobile navigation.
  • Customer testimonials.
Oct 21, 2020

Why is a strong product page so important? ›

A strong product page also lowers your website bounce rate (the rate at which people enter then leave your site without visiting a second page). That's because great product pages keep customers browsing longer, encourage them to visit other pages of the website, and finally make quicker purchases with less hesitation.

What is a product page description? ›

A product description is the marketing copy that explains what a product is and why it's worth purchasing. The purpose of a product description is to supply customers with important information about the features and benefits of the product so they're compelled to buy.

Should your landing page be a product page? ›

If your objective is to generate leads, then a landing page with a newsletter sign-up form is going to be the best way forward for you. If, however, you want to make an e-commerce sale, then a product category page might be the better choice.

How many keywords should a product description have? ›

Strategically place keywords in your copy

This is easy to do in short descriptions (300 words or less). To avoid it, use your focus keyword no more than a few times: Once in the page's URL. Once in the product description title.

What is the best page size? ›

Ideally, you want to keep your HTML DOM page size to around 100 kb or less, depending on your niche. Pages could be larger in some niches; in ecommerce, for example, it's not uncommon to see pages around 150kb-200kb, depending on how many product images are on the page.

How many products should you show a customer at a time? ›

Show and Tell

To avoid overwhelming your customer, show no more than three products at a time. Avoid unclear words such as nice, pretty, and fine. When selling products to retail customers, you should use layman's terms. Layman's terms * are words the average customer can understand.

What are the 5 elements of a good product? ›

5 Elements of an Ideal Product Description
  • Images, Images, Images. The more visuals provided, the better sense the buyer has of what the product looks like, how it fits, and the product's quality. ...
  • Written product description. ...
  • Product measurements. ...
  • Material type and content. ...
  • 5. “

What are the 7 types of product? ›

The seven types of products are:
  • Premium or luxury goods.
  • Unsought products.
  • Niche Products.
  • Commodities.
  • Consumer preferences.
  • Convenience products.
  • Complementary goods.

What are the six steps of a product launch plan? ›

6 Steps to a Successful Product Launch
  • Test thoroughly before your launch. Testing can help you verify that your product, company and audience are ready for your launch. ...
  • Invigorate your team. ...
  • Prepare for an increase in sales. ...
  • Remember your core business. ...
  • Establish metrics as you go. ...
  • Gather feedback after your launch.
Mar 3, 2015

What are the 6 stages of product development in order? ›

The new product development process in 6 steps. New product development is the process of bringing an original product idea to market. Although it differs by industry, it can essentially be broken down into six stages: ideation, research, planning, prototyping, sourcing, and costing.

What are the 8 steps of marketing plan? ›

Guide to using the marketing plan template
  • Conduct market research.
  • Profile your target markets.
  • Identify your unique selling proposition (USP)
  • Develop your business brand.
  • Choose your marketing avenues.
  • Set your goals and budget.
  • Nurture your loyal customers.
  • Monitor and review.

What are the eight 8 steps in the new product development process? ›

What are the 8 steps of successful new product development?
  • Idea generation.
  • Idea screening.
  • Concept development and testing.
  • Marketing strategy development.
  • Business analysis.
  • Product development.
  • Test marketing.
  • Commercialisation.
Jan 20, 2022

What are the 4 product strategies? ›

(Marketing mix explained) The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. They are an example of a “marketing mix,” or the combined tools and methodologies used by marketers to achieve their marketing objectives.

What are the 3 product strategies? ›

There are three standard types of product positioning strategies brands should consider: comparative, differentiation, and segmentation.

What are the 4 major elements of a product strategy? ›

The short answer is product strategy.
4 Key Components of Product Strategy
  • Customers. Who is your target customer? ...
  • Competitors. ...
  • Business. ...
  • Macro Environment.

What are the 8 parts of the website? ›

8 basic parts of a website
  • Navigation bar. The navigation bar, also known as the menu bar, lists the different pages of the website at the top of the page. ...
  • Slider. The slider operates like a slideshow, allowing certain images to slide and appear from side to side. ...
  • Featured image. ...
  • Header. ...
  • Content. ...
  • Footer. ...
  • Blog. ...
  • Landing page.
Feb 3, 2023

What are the 7 web page elements? ›

7 Elements of Modern Web Design
  • Responsive design. ...
  • Optimized architecture. ...
  • Usability/user experience. ...
  • Navigation. ...
  • Typography. ...
  • Imagery and iconography. ...
  • Color palette.

What are the 5 main life stages of a product? ›

The 5 stages of the product life cycle
  • Market development. The first stage in the product life cycle is development. ...
  • Market introduction. When your product launches, you've entered the introduction stage of the life cycle. ...
  • Market growth. ...
  • Maturity. ...
  • Market decline.

How do you create a product framework? ›

Product strategy frameworks typically include the following steps:
  1. Evaluate where you are today. ...
  2. Define your product vision. ...
  3. Identify your target audience and their needs. ...
  4. Perform competitor research. ...
  5. Analyze market trends. ...
  6. Set quantifiable goals. ...
  7. Create your product roadmap. ...
  8. Prioritize your initial actions.
Apr 18, 2022

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.